Welcome to my personal web site!!
I am a computer scientist by education, software architect by title, software programmer by daily routine
and a rational person by desire. At home, whenever I am not with my computers, I am dad to my adorable
daughters Akriti (Akku) and
Unnati (Unni) and hubby to my loving wife
Veena (Binu).
I created this website mainly to facilitate my learning of web technologies and
as an excuse to organize some of my work in a usable [ by others ] form. Having
said that, I do sincerely hope that my professional colleagues, friends and family members benefit
from whatever I may place here.
I am an Enterprise Architect with
Yahoo! in the Corporate Applications grouup and am working on
an defining a data model for enterprise applications and Semantic Web based infrastructure software to exchange information among Yahoo! corporate applications.
My background includes participation (software development, afterall,
is a team effort) in numerous software development projects, contributing
as core developer, architect, and technical lead in the area of
enterprise management software, middleware
infrastructure, credit card transaction processing
software and file systems. Have also
authored a book on J2EE Security published by
Prentice Hall while working on a J2EE based Application Server
software. Have been involved in standards development, representing
HP in Expert Groups JAX-RPC, JSR-109 (Web Services in J2EE), JSR-261
(Web Services connector for JMX) and OASIS Technical Committee for
WSDM (Web Services Distributed Management).
I am B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, a premier institute for
technology in India.