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Supercharging BeanShell with Ant

I have self-published an article on using Ant tasks from BeanShell scripts titled "Supercharging BeanShell with Ant" at http://www.pankaj-k.net/spubs/articles/supercharging_beanshell_with_ant/.

This article is based on my work on creating automated build and integration test scripts and generating static content for my website completely in Java.

Here is the abstract:

This article explains how to execute any Ant task from within a BeanShell script, bringing the rich and growing Ant task library to BeanShell programmers and, in the process, vastly increasing its potential for serious scripting. This kind of bridging is good for Ant as well, allowing Ant tasks to be used within familiar control and looping constructs.

Hope you enjoy it!

Comments (2)


Hi Pankaj,
I just cant thank you enough....I have a Sony MiniDV and was facing the same problem with XP of no audio. I just didnt know wht to do. But last nite I read ur experience on getting the settings right and putting the audio option to "USB Audio" in the ImageMixer software....and it worked....i just jumped with joy like a kid...hahaha !!!
I have one question tho...dont you think we have a considerable video quality loss thru USB 2.0? Is there a way to get better quality, just like we have when we play the tape on the TV? PLease let me know....Will wait for your reply. If you can spare some time, you may also reply to my email : dave_suave2003@yahoo.com.sg
Thanks again...!! Ur the greatest man...!!!! :)

kora reddy:

Hello Pankaj ,

where are you based out of ? BLR/ Cupertino .

would like to connect with you regarding your studies on the cocoon framework (FYI , I'm doing some theoritcal research on semantic web) ,

myself was working with HP till a year ago in the ISM solution center.

Please sene me a mail to korareddy@yahoo.com giving your mail id details.

Regards and Thanks


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