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CVS client on HPUX 11.11

I was finally able to install a CVS client on one of our HPUX 11.11 boxes, but not without considerable grief.

I first tried the HPUX binary from CVS home page binary repository. This client works on some of the HPUX boxes but not on all, saying that "/usr/bin/cvs: Executable file incompatible with hardware".

Then I tried to get the sources from the CVS project source repository . However, the compilation itself failed (different versions of the source gave different errors).

Finally, found a gzipped HPUX depot at
http://hpux.cs.utah.edu/hppd/hpux/Development/Tools/cvs-1.11.17/ and it worked. No more manual copying of the checked-out files!!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 4, 2004 5:48 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Beware of Apache Ant Tar task.

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