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Beware of Apache Ant Tar task

I was almost fooled by the happy

[tar] Nothing to do: filename.tar is up to date.

message, but then better sense prevailed and I reran my build script after deleting the filename.tar file. The tar file created on the second run was bigger (and hence, different) than the former one.

But why did I suspect the Ant message at the first instance? Because, the previous run had failed with the following message:

build.xml:51: Problem creating TAR: No space left on device

However, after freeing up disk space, I had expected Ant to remove the half-built tar file and recreate it.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 4, 2004 6:07 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Disappointed in J2SE5.0.

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