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"Effective Java" or "Heads First Java"

Which one will you buy if you had to make a choice? Which one is selling more copies? This comparison graph using Charteous widget to plot Amazon Sales Rank over time has the answer: As you can see from their respective pages, with Time Average Sales Rank of 1232, Head First Java is significantly ahead of Effective Java, which has Time Average Sales Rank of 6878. Both the ranks are valid at the time of post only and may vary a little bit over time. Note that the sales volume or no. of copies sold by Amazon has an exponential inverse relationship with Sales Rank. This article does a good job of explaining this relationship. Btw, if you didn't notice, the Charteous widget is "live" -- the chart update itself to include the latest rank if you come back tomorrow or day after or any other time in future.

Comments (2)


they are different books. Head first id for people who want to learn Java. Effective Java is more like good patterns and disciplines. Effective java needs an update tough.

I own both the books. They are both great. But, if you ask which book i refer often, it is "Effective Java".

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