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MovableType built-in spam filters are quite effective

The built-in and enabled by default MovableType filters correctly classified and junked 7 spam comments and allowed 3 legitimate comments within 6 hours of this blog upgrading from MovableType-3.14 to 3.33.

And this happened when comments were enabled only on two entries and that too for just 6 hours. Very encouraging!

Though I now worry about "denial of service" effect of the comment spams. The built-in filters rely on analyzing the comment text and checking URl blacklist sites and perhaps waste CPU cycles. I will be monitoring the junk folder closely and would not hesitate adding a CAPTCHA test to the comment submission page on excessive spamming (say, more than 50 per day).

Comments (1)

It looks like you're being hit with the same blog spam as everyone else right now: the Stenxxxx one.

I was forced to have every comment on my site moderated before posting so no spam would ever show up on the live system. I'm hoping to get a CAPTCHA or something installed soon to try to block spam from getting in to the system in the first place, though.

Good luck ridding yourself of spam completely...


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 3, 2006 4:34 PM.

The previous post in this blog was The pain and joy of moving from MovableType-3.14 to 3.33.

The next post in this blog is Finer details on "load avergaes".

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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