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Advise on "Loan Consolidation" on the Web and Make Money

No, I am not turning into a pseudo financial advisor, either on loan consolidation or on making money on the Web, though it appears that either would help tremendously the meagre adwords revenue generated by this blog (which, btw, doesn't even cover the shared hosting cost).

So, what is the point of this post? Well, just wanted to report that atleast some people have found the perfect way of mkaing money with adwords -- create a list of expensive adwords and publish the list on the web. But before you rush to create your own list, I should warn that the process to create such lists relies on arcane methods and some inside information, the method may not be easily replicable.

These lists make interesting read, and hence are good candidates for getting dugg, stored in other popular social bookmarking systems, or plain being linked by other pages, thus improving the Google PageRank of the page. A higher page rank would mean more "search traffic". (Note: traffic generated by being dugg itself may not be as beneficial to the page creator, for these users usually do not click on ads)

The page with the list contains all the right terms, so it would trigger the "right ads" on the page and hopefully will result in atleast some people clicking those expensive ads, making the publisher rich.

One such list appeared today at digg.com (I will not link to the page as that would help the scheme) with such adwords as school loan consolidation, college loan consolidation, car insurance quotes, student loan consolidation rates etc, each priced for more than $60.0. I am sure that the guy would end up making thousands on just this post, unless Google and its advertisers found out and did something about it.

The question is: what can Google and advertisers do about it? In my opinion, not a lot. They may be able to identify clicks that were genrated by 'friends and family' (of the page ccreator) or random clickers by analysing the search history and not pay for them, but not the clicks from clickers who actually came to the page in search of similar services and actually clicked on the ads because the ads were more relevant to them than the content.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 11, 2006 10:26 AM.

The previous post in this blog was What can the Web do to a watch?.

The next post in this blog is My first post from Google.

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