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Silicon Valley Stereotype of Indians

Indians in Silicon Valley have been stereotyped as hard working, heads down software engineers for ages. But never before I had come across as succinct a definition as in Guy Kawasaki's blog post on Everything You Wanted to Know About Getting a Job in Silicon Valley But Didn't Know Who to Ask. While giving a rundown on various types of people one is likely to meet while interviewing with a typical silicon valley company, he includes the profile of one of the interviewers named "Sunil:

Veep of engineering. After six months of searching, the wunderkinds [nickname for techie founders] finally settled on someone who they thought could scale the infrastructure and had room temperature IQ. (How hard could it be support six million simultaneous users?) The venture capitalists were very happy when he was hired. Brother-in-law runs an outsourcing programming shop in Bangalore that the company uses.

Question to expected from this guy: What do you think of Squid web proxy caching?

Not that I disagree with Guy!

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