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Who made money off the web 1.0 boom?

Not the cool dot coms but "the boring old farts who sold the cool dot-coms the computer and networking gear ... It was the vendors like Cisco and Sun and EMC that made the big bucks." says Nicholas G. Carr, in his Monetizing the wasteland blog entry.

Nothing new here. Afterall, even during the california gold rush, the main beneficiaries were those who supplied mining gear and not the miners themselves!

Sure, the above mentioned companies grew rapidly during the boom and then felt the pain of the bust. Though I am not sure how much of the money actually stuck! Btw, the cool dotcom survivors of Web 1.0 boom, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon and Google, also made good money and continue to do so.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 2, 2006 3:32 PM.

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