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Broken FC4 ruby-1.8.3 rpm (and how to fix it)

I was getting the following error while installing rubygems-0.8.11 on my Fedora Core 4 Linux box.

rubygems/custom_require.rb:21:in `require__': no such file

I had installed the latest version of ruby, ruby-1.8.3, using "yum install ruby" with default yum servers.

A google search indicated that I was not the only one facing this problem. Though I couldn't find a fix following the various search results.

Suspecting the problem to be with the particular version of rubygems, I tried an earlier version, rubygems-0.8.10. But no luck. Even this install produced the same error.

I resolved the problem by uninstalling the rpm ("yum remove ruby"), getting the ruby-1.8.3 source tarball and installing it the old fashioned way. ie;

ruby-1.8.3> ./configure
ruby-1.8.3> make
ruby-1.8.3> make test
ruby-1.8.3> sudo make install

Hope this helps others encountering the same/similar problem.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 23, 2005 10:46 AM.

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