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Google AdSense not for bloggers

Tim's experience on dwindling payout from Google AdSense ads seems to be matching mine -- the monthly reported income from this blog has gone down from around $20-$25 to $3-$5 in last one year.

I attributed this to general inactivity in my part -- I had less than 10 entries in the first half of the year. But looks like there is something else, more profound, happening. And it makes sense. Given the narrow focus of my weblog and the kind of readership it has, it is unlikely that the clicks would sustain over a period of time.

In any case, much like Tim's, my purpose in maintaining this blog was never to generate income. I signed up for AdSense primarily to understand and participate in the new ecosystem of online publishers being created by Google. Can't say that the experience has been worthless!

Comments (1)

Floyd Marinescu:

I think people are going to get desensitized to Google's text links (and they already are), and returns will diminish unless something is done ot vary how the spot looks.

Also, Google claims to be really good at targetting, but they are not THAT good. They can match topics to ads, but since google knows nothing about the demographics of the people who watch your blog, they can't make sure that the ads they do show matter. How many charting tool text links does a technical team lead need to see before they start tuning it out?

To make money in publishing you need a dedicated sales force selling advertisers on the needs of your particular audience, like we did at TSS.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 7, 2005 11:53 AM.

The previous post in this blog was My next hacking project.

The next post in this blog is Who should fear AJAX?.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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