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Disappointed by SONY Network Camera

I picked up this SONY Network Camera from local Frys for $200 with the idea of creating a ZoneMinder based home security monitoring system. But was thoroughly disappointed with it after playing for a couple of hours.

First, the setup software was not able to detect the camera after I had connected it to my home network. Only after reading the manual on CD, I found, in the Appendix, that I could use the commandline "arp -s ip_addr mac_addr" to assign it an IP address. After this I was able to point my browser to the Camera IP address and it worked okay! So far so good!

However, the picture quality was pretty bad. Worse than what I have seen on $25 USB cameras. In fact, even the Web based admin. interface was pretty slow.

Another surprise finding was that it didn't support Wireless. The only reason I had paid 200 bucks was because I thought it supported WiFi. Looked at the box and the installation manual again -- it was very confusing. Looks like SONY uses the same box and manuals for both its Wired and Wireless models with no easy way to identify which one is Wired and which one is Wireless.

Usually, I find more features on electronic products, especially SONY products, than I am ever able to use. Certainly not so with this camera!

Needless to say, this camera is going back to where it came from -- on Frys shelves.


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