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The world, especially India, in 2035

My favorite economics columnist has these predictions for world in year 2035:

  • China richer than any European country.

  • India surpasses not only every European country but also Japan in GNP

  • Gulmarg (a small town in Kashmir) becomes the skiing capital of Asia, with as large an international airport as Zurich

  • Kashmir declared an autonomous region in year 2020

  • Infosys becomes the world's biggest consulting group after taking over Accenture

  • Tata Motors becomes the world's largest auto company after rescuing General Motors from the brink of bankruptcy (and shedding off its medical benefit liabilities!)

  • Incomes have doubled or tripled in most developing countries, with China and India becoming high-income countries

  • 20 million jobs were outsourced to India in the last three decades

I found all this highly probable, but gave up on this one:

After decades of economic stagnation, the Bihar government decided ten years ago that it could gain a place in the sun only through a complete separation of the legislature, administration and judiciary. So, the legislature voted to outsource the entire administration to a Korean company, and the judiciary to an Australian company. In consequence, Bihar now boasts some of the best governance indicators anywhere, and Transparency International ranks it as the least corrupt state in India.


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