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My first ten installs/downloads

This discussion thread at slashdot got me thinking about my own first ten installs/downloads for WIndows boxes:

  1. Service Packs and Patches

  2. MS-Office

  3. Google Toolbar

  4. J2SE SDK

  5. Apache Ant

  6. TextPad

  7. WinCVS

  8. CygWin

  9. Adobe Reader

  10. Eclipse

Comments (1)


mine is somewhat different
1- mozilla firefox
2- mozilla thunderbird
3- irfan view
4- winamp
5- eclipse (if i do not have an Intellij IDEA)
6- Jedit
7- J2SDK
8- open office
9- Gaim
10- all the java libraries and tools (also smart CVS etc.)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 27, 2004 4:20 PM.

The previous post in this blog was free utilities for a Windows User.

The next post in this blog is Parental Control through Google.

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