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A book, a website, free sample chapter and open source software

This particular welog entry is culmination of my hardwork of more than a year!

Last week, my (one and only) book, J2EE Security for Servlets, EJBs and Web Services, went on sale at Amazon. This was sooner than my expectation. In fact, when I returned back from India a couple of weeks ago, I had no idea that the book has already been published. My first reaction was that of panic -- how am I going to create the companion web site http://www.j2ee-security.net in a jiffy!

Well, scared at the dreadful thought of turning off paying buyers, I devoted few late night sessions to populate the website with atleast the static content. And I got most of it ready: book highlights, table of contents, preface, sample chapter, viewable sources and the downloadable source distribution.

The website is not just a promotional tool but an integral part of the book. The book relies heavily on the example programs and utility tools but the printed code includes only the most essential portions of the code necessary to understand the concepts and APIs. If you want to play with the code then you would need to get the electronic version and the only way is to download it from the book's website.

I would not attempt covering the book software (which, BTW, is open source and is available and OSL v2.0) in this post. It deserves its own separate posts. Similarly, the free sample chapter also merits its own post.

Watch out this space!

Comments (2)

Congratulations, Pankaj!

You've been working really hard on it, and I hope the results are worth the effort.

Sunil Tripathy:

Looks like you have put a lot of effort for this book. good luck.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 16, 2003 1:42 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Compaq EVO N1015V is a fine laptop, but ....

The next post in this blog is Free Sample Chapter: Web Services Security.

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