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UMAX Astra 2100U on Windows 2000

I had bought a UMAX Astra 2100U Scanner from Frys a few years ago at great discount (I paid $30 after mail-in rebate). It worked great on a Windows98 machine but I had problems (understandably) while trying to use it today on a Windows 2000 machine.
A search for new drivers (search for "UMAX Astra 2100U" in google ) turned up http://www.creativepro.com/hardware/home/1231.html, but the driver download link pointed to a non-existent page.
I tried the search phrase "UMAX Astra 2100U Windows 2000" in google. A comment at the resulting page directed me to the appropriate download page. Installing the version 3.55 (the one I got in the CD was 3.53) from here solved my problem.


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