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Fine observations on Screen capture under Windows

Screen or Window capture under Windows is no big deal -- Do Ctl-PrintScreen or Alt-PrintScreen and you have the whole screen or the current Window in the clipboard, to be pasted in any document. However, the interesting observations are:

  • Doing a resize of the pasted image under Visio (and perhaps other programs) causes significant degradation in picture quality. However, if you do the resize within an Office program (I used MS-Word) then the quality doesn't deteriorate.

  • Sharpness of the printout of a screen capture, especially when it has been shrunk, depends on the resolution of the printer and not the screen where it was captured.

I used to think that a captured image is just bitmap. Obviously, this is not the case.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 15, 2003 12:10 PM.

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The next post in this blog is My wish-list for MS-WORD.

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