
apple Archives

July 5, 2007

The most informative iPhone article (Or why I haven't bought one yet!)

Like most techno geeks, I have been reading an awful lot about iPhone. Note the emphasis on reading, for I haven't got one yet! Based on all the glowing reports about its ruggedness, record sales and continuing surge in AAPL stock price post-launch , it seems to be living upto the hype that was created prior to the launch.

However, the article I found to be most informative on iPhone , which is actually not even published in an article format -- it is just a set of question and answers, makes me feel that it is essentially a version 1.0 product. This Q&A column by Walt Mossberg, a WSJ technology columnist, addresses some of the questions I had, such as can I change its dead battery when the inevitable happens (I recently replaced the 2 512MB memory modules of my Mac mini with 2 1GB memory modules with great effort but the kind of satisfaction that only a techno-geek can experience and wanted to know whether something similar was possible with iPhone battery); or can I watch YouTube clips on it; or can I use it like a hand held computer with wi-fi connectivity without signing up for an AT&T service. Unfortunately, the short answer is NO for these questions (and for few others as well!). One question that it didn't answer and for which I think the answer is a NO is this: Can I access my favorite Web Apps such as iGoogle, GMail, Google Analytics, Google AdSense, MovableType Blogging Interface, Drupal Admin Interface etc. from an iPhone.This actually makes me feel good, for I didn't queue up and have no buyers' remorse.

As you can see, what I am looking for in iPhone is not just a cool phone with MP3 player but a handheld thin client that can also be used as phone, camera, music player, and a personal tv. I have no doubt that iPhone, or its clones, will eventually become this dream device. And that would be a good time to retire my minimal SamSung phone with T-Mobile service.

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