How do I use Cocoon with Tomcat
Download Tomcat from Apache site.
Download Cocoon sources from Apache CVS ( binaries not available for Cocoon2 yet ). Would require socksified CVS client for connection setup. [ Command assume UNIX shell prompt ]
cvs login
Password: anoncvs
cvs checkout xml-cocoon2
Alternatively download it from our own Cocoon2 CVS archive ( synchronized daily with Apache CVS )
export CVSROOT=:pserver:cvs@orion.nsr.hp.cocoon:/Repository
cvs login
Password: cvs
cvs -z 9 checkout Cocoon2
Build sources as per instruction in Install file.
Move the cocoon.war file to %TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps directory.
Start the servlet engine. Type-in the URL http://localhost:8080/cocoon in your browser. You should see the Cocoon welcome message.
Consult Install file if you face problems.